Greetings LARPers!
It's been a year now since the COVID-19 monster flipped the world upside down. Many families have suffered, and our hearts go out to those who have lost friends and loved ones due to this unprecedented pandemic.
Here in Georgia, the bans on gatherings have been lifted for some time now, but based on the data available to us, we decided that the risk was still too great to justify having Live LARP Events due to the severity of the risk of transmission of the coronavirus.
However, there is light at the end of this tunnel as there is new data available to us. According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, "virtually anybody and everybody" will be eligible for a vaccine by April.
This is fantastic news for us and, while we do not currently have any events planned for this year, the COVID-19 vaccinations being more readily available does mean that events toward the end of summer could be a possibility.
As it stands, we have not determined that the COVID-19 vaccination will be a requirement to participate in Volaire LARP Events. However, it is highly encouraged that all players get the vaccine as soon as possible. All Volaire LARP Staff Members will be required to have the vaccine.
As we learn more, we will continue to have internal meetings and will pass on what we learn to our community. In the meantime, we hope that everyone stays safe and healthy!