Shortly after Jade, Charlotte and Fallin, follows Edgar, a 5'11 humanoid wearing a black mask covering all but his blue eyes, then Selena. Dark tendrils of energy hinting around her eyes. Her irises, usually shifting between the colors of the elemental planes are now solid black. Where before, only a handful of black scales were scattered lightly across her rainbow, there are now patches of 7-10 black scales shift slowly through the others on her arms and chest. She's standing tall, almost staring daggers into the back of the man in front of her as she lowers and raises the wards for her group as they pass through the guild.
Once outside and a few feet from her portal, she quickly steps up and grabs the man by the back of the neck with a growl shoving him through behind Edgar.
The draconian soldiers in the area, both guarding town and relaxing on their days off instinctively turn to look at the sound of their commander's growl. Some wince, some chuckle, and some just shrug as they go about their day.